Data is in 4-byte binary float from a SUN system (big-endian). units are mm accumulation for 3 hrs NODATA values are -9999 coverage is: 60 to -60 lat 0 to 360 long at: .25 x .25 deg resolution for: 480 rows x 1440 cols data is stored in C style row centric format. The first value is centered at 59.875,.125 the second value at 59.875,.375 last 2 values are centered at: -59.875,359.625 & -59.875,359.875 the data are mm and represent the start of the 3hrly period in the filename: m6s4_3h1034112.bin.gz YY = 2-digit year DDD = 3-digit DOY hh = 2-digit hour hh will represent the rainfall in mm from hh:00 to hh+2:59 UTC. for the given date. This data is maintained by: dan braithwaite,